September10 , 2024

Benefits of Using Poultry Battery Cages in Modern Day Chicken Rearing


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7 Key Benefits of Using Poultry Battery Cages in Modern Day Chicken Rearing

Poultry Battery cages are housing systems which are mostly used for chicken rearing and suitable for several methods of animal production. The term was derived from the arrangement of similarly-looking cages in rows and columns closely knitted together with same divider walls like the cells of a battery. Battery cage is usually associated with poultry farming but also prevalently used for other animals.

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Benefits of Using Poultry Battery Cages for Chicken Production

In the modern day chicken rearing, battery systems have certain beneficial impact on poultry farming in the following seven ways discussed below.


1. Battery Cages Boosts the Health of the Chickens

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Many poultry farmers do not get healthy results from their chicken rearing because they have ignored the use of battery cages. Battery cages are very good means of accommodating your chickens in healthy conditions that will boost their reproduction.

Original battery cages are not mere cages with wire mesh floor and essential heating elements for brooding chickens. Quality and superior battery cages are designed to outweigh an ordinary wire mesh cage. The wire floor is designed to allow manure go through it, taking it away from the chickens surroundings and eventually minimizing the risks of manure-borne diseases. This will keep the chickens healthy and make chicken rearing a task worthwhile for the poultry farmer.

2. Increases Egg Production

A chicken that is healthy will significantly become more productive than chickens reared in environments that do not boost their health. Enriched battery cages increase the potential of egg production in chickens.

In fact, recent estimations reveal that sixty percent of eggs used in products such as mayonnaise, sandwiches and cakes are from chickens reared in battery cages. This reveals that chickens have more tendencies to produce eggs in battery cages compared to other rearing systems. It is more advisable to use battery cages to aid egg production.

3. Qualitative Feeding For the Chickens

The battery cage system makes feeding for chickens a habitual process which connotes more care for the chickens. This is because the chickens are fed through a long bisected metal or plastic pipe and water is served to them with overhead nipple systems which are set before the chickens. This makes it easy for the poultry farmer to care for the chickens with frequent and adequate food and water.

Chickens are well-catered for in battery cages and this makes them healthier and more productive.

4. Low Cost Of Labour

Battery cage reduces labour by the poultry farmer. This is because the chickens are well-organized and conducted to be in rows with several facilities for their feeding, carriers of their faeces droppings adequately positioned and the eggs rolling to the appropriate places designed in the battery cages.

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5. Everything is organized already

The poultry farmer will simply do the job of pouring food and water in the designated areas, cleaning the faeces that drop and packing the eggs. This reduces stress for the farmer and the need to employ many workers for poultry farms will be minimized. In the long run, poultry farming will be more rewarding for the poultry workers.

6. Poultry Battery Cages Have Feeders that Minimize Feed Spillage

Battery cages make it easy for poultry farmers to care adequately for their chickens. Despite this dire need to take care of the chickens, battery cages help the poultry farmer to minimize feed spillage when feeding chickens.

It is easy to minimize feed spillage with battery cages because they are designed with standard accessories for holding food and water, especially the amount required for feeding the chickens daily. This disallows any form of feed spillage and wastage. Instead of feed spillage, the chickens keep feeding on the required amount of food specifically provided in front of them.

7. High Capacity for Accommodation

Modern battery cages have high capacity to accommodate a larger number of chickens within a limited space.

That means, battery cages will save you cost in construction and help you maximize the use of whatever space you have available. Many A-type poultry battery cages can accommodate between 60 and 128 chickens or more per unit, depending on the size and model you buy.

Therefore, it is rewarding to invest in poultry farming using poultry battery cages with high capacity for accommodation.

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8. Affordable, Durable And Suitable For All Egg-Laying Chicken Types

Poultry battery cages are quite affordable for beginners and experienced poultry farmers who need to give this method of rearing chickens a trial. It costs less and is more effective and efficient.

Besides being affordable, poultry battery cages are durable because they have wire mesh made of galvanized iron which keeps them from rusting and makes them last for a lengthy period of time. It is not just durable but suitable for all egg-laying chicken types such as breeders, layers, point-of-lay and point-of-cage chickens.

It is therefore advisable for poultry farmers to consider using the modern poultry battery cages for sustainable and adequate productivity in chicken rearing.

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